Tall bearded Iris Braggadocio blooming for the first time. A very striking color combination.
We had a few Dame's Rocket (Hesperis matronalis) reseed last season and they are now starting to bloom. The flower heads are very similar to Money Plant.
We moved this Weigela florida "Variegata" into a sunnier location in the garden last year and it wasn't to happy. While still small this spring, it really bloomed nicely. In fact, today a hummingbird performed its territorial "U" shaped flying display to warn competitors to back off. You have no idea how aggressive hummingbirds can be. We routinely witness this behavior in our garden.
A closeup of the steroid digitalis in the back under a plum tree. It is still growing and is now over 4 feet tall. Bees love these due to the little pockets of pollen on the top of the flower.
This is a little blurry do to the wind. Its a Korean lilac (Miss Kim) with fragrant abelia in the back. This is an excellent pairing for a blast of perfume. We have it planted just out the backdoor so you have to walk by it as you come and go.
Mixed Digitalis purpurea Excelsior Hybrids starting to bloom. This spring has been so odd. They are blooming early at the same time as the azalea (red in the background).
Cytisus scoparius 'Firefly' starting to pop. The flower pod starts out purple and opens orange and yellow. This one almost died last year but came back strong this season. It should be quite showy next spring.
We had a few Dame's Rocket (Hesperis matronalis) reseed last season and they are now starting to bloom. The flower heads are very similar to Money Plant.
We moved this Weigela florida "Variegata" into a sunnier location in the garden last year and it wasn't to happy. While still small this spring, it really bloomed nicely. In fact, today a hummingbird performed its territorial "U" shaped flying display to warn competitors to back off. You have no idea how aggressive hummingbirds can be. We routinely witness this behavior in our garden.
A closeup of the steroid digitalis in the back under a plum tree. It is still growing and is now over 4 feet tall. Bees love these due to the little pockets of pollen on the top of the flower.
This is a little blurry do to the wind. Its a Korean lilac (Miss Kim) with fragrant abelia in the back. This is an excellent pairing for a blast of perfume. We have it planted just out the backdoor so you have to walk by it as you come and go.
Mixed Digitalis purpurea Excelsior Hybrids starting to bloom. This spring has been so odd. They are blooming early at the same time as the azalea (red in the background).
Cytisus scoparius 'Firefly' starting to pop. The flower pod starts out purple and opens orange and yellow. This one almost died last year but came back strong this season. It should be quite showy next spring.