Saturday, October 19, 2013

The final blooms as fall takes hold.

The beautiful purple blooms of Aconitum Napellus or Monkshood are a favorite in the fall garden. All parts of this plant are very poisonous. The principal alkaloids are aconite and aconitine. Of these, aconitine is thought to be the key toxin. Ingestion of even a small amount results in severe gastrointestinal upset but it is the effect on the heart, where it causes slowing of the heart rate, which is often the cause of death.

Another Monkshood. They can reach a leggy 6 to 7 feet tall and may need staking.
The last Peppermint Schnapps Hibiscus bloom of the season.
A surprise cluster of Rosa Cookies and Cream. This stem is about 8 feet tall. I'm actually standing under the blooms pointing the camera up.
A white, highly fragrant, nectar loaded Buddleia bloom with no takers. At this time of year the pollinators are essentially gone. During summer, this bloom would be crawling with critters.
You know its fall when the Asclepias seed pods rupture.