Saturday, October 27, 2012

The last of the season. Fall chill in the air...

The gorgeous red leaves of Oakleaf Hydrangea 'Alice really stand out. They don't market the fall characteristics of this variety but should. The leaves are quite large at 12 to 14 inches across.

A true favorite in the fall garden is Aconitum Napellus or Monkshood. All parts of this plant are very poisonous. The principal alkaloids are aconite and aconitine. Of these aconitine is thought to be the key toxin. Ingestion of even a small amount results in severe gastrointestinal upset but it is the effect on the heart, where it causes slowing of the heart rate, which is often the cause of death.

A yellow Knockout rose giving it one last flourish.

Rosa Oktoberfest with a few water droplets on the petal.

This is a shot of Polygonum cuspidatum 'Crimson Beauty' from underneath. It grows about 6 feet tall and arches over (similar to Solomon's Seal) giving it a flowing effect.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

The final blooms as fall approaches ...

 The color contrast in our Oakleaf Hydrangea Alice bed is very nice. The leaves are quite large and turn bright red as the temps drop in the fall.

The always prolific, bold and colorful Peppermint Schnapps Hibiscus.

Hydrangea Little Lime has blooms that turn reddish-pink as fall approaches.

Lantana camara Confetti is an aggressive plant with very touch stems. It blooms consistently from early summer through fall.
A stand of Erigeron annuus or Eastern daisy fleabane was a hitch hiker plant from an Amish garden center. It grows every year somewhere in the garden.

A repeat bloom for this red Canna lily. We picked these up for a $1.50 at an Amish garden center and they have flourished. A great buy.

A Buddleia davidii White Profusion bloom. This is another species that blooms again in the fall. Excellent fragrance and grows quite tall.

A Sweet Potato Vine Margarita Ipomoea batatas in the sun. We tried one this year and it did very well. The bright green color and low growing habit make it a nice ground cover. We'll have more next season.

The Conoclinium coelestinum or Mist Flower is dainty but very hardy. I should have taken a picture last week because it was in full bloom. This is a small remnant.

A single Rosa grandiflora Oktoberfest.

A Stevia plant in full flower. Stevia rebaudiana is called ka’a he’e in the language of the Guarani people of Paraguay and Brazil. The leaves have been used for centuries by the Guarani as a sweetener for their native tea (yerba mate) and for various medicinal uses. The leaves of this herb can be up to 300 times as sweet as sugar.