Sunday, May 17, 2020

May Color in the Garden

Digitalis is one of those striking displays you never get tired of seeing. Behind them are two large white Philadelphus.

This is another bed with Digitalis in front of a Cornus kousa chinensis (Chinese Dogwood) starting to bloom. The Digitalis this year are enormous.

This is a Philadelphus at peak bloom in the front of the house. An epic display. I don't know why these aren't sold in the regional garden centers.

This is Mock Orange Philadelphus x lemoinei. It has a bit of a weeping look and the flowers are small clusters.

A closeup of Philadelphus.

An unknown species of Azalea in front of Nandina.

Closeup of the Azalea above.

Tradescantia Andersoniana Blue Spider (Spiderwort).

Sweet Kate Spiderwort.

Hydrangea Anomala Petiolari, one of the climbing hydrangeas.

Chinese Dogwood just coming into white flower with Sum and Substance giant Hosta.

Another Sum and Substance Hosta with the lighter color Empress Wu right behind it.

Iris Pseudacorus or Yellow Water Iris.

Ice Escapade Iris

Dusky Challenger Iris. This image is a little bright. Normally this is a dark purple flower.

Tiger Honey Iris.

Wabash Iris.

Alcazar Iris.

This is either War Chief or Dynamite Iris. 

Again, War Chief or Dynamite Iris. I'm leaning towards War Chief.

11 - Unknown Iris.

Summer Olympics Iris

13 - Unknown Iris.

More Sunny Glow Iris. This Iris stays in bloom for a few weeks. Very prolific, short, no staking needed.

Because the Digitalis are so large this year, I thought I would show you a closeup of the bloom throats, as they are called.